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Cookies and browser settings

Manage your cookie preferences

I use cookies to enhance your experience on my website, without tracking you. None of these cookies can identify you in any way, so even if you are using my website on a public computer, there's nothing inside the browser session that will let the next person using this computer know that you used it before them. By default, non-essential cookies are opt-in.

Last updated on: Apr 1st, 2023

Key points:

  • You can use my website without anyone knowing it was you who used it
  • You are not being tracked in any way
  • I use persistent cookies to save your preferences for how you want to read my website
  • Non-essential cookies are opt-in by default
  • You can always manage your preferences when it comes to cookies

I don't collect any personal data to understand how you're using my website. I think it's great you're here and I'm over the moon that I can help you. That's enough for me.

So why do I need cookies then?

I use some strictly neccesasry cookies to make sure you can properly use my website and some non-essential cookies to save preferences about how you want to use the website or what pages you've visited. These cookies persist between browsing sessions, even after you close your browser. They are encrypted and not stored anywhere else outside of your browser.

What cookies do you use?

You can find the description for each cookie in the following table:

Cookie nameWhat it's for


Strictly necessary

Ephemeral messages and notifications, e.g. an error message when accessing a page. I use these to show you the message on the page, either where it occurred or where you were redirected after it occurred.


Strictly necessary

I save your cookie preferences in this cookie, so that I know if you have accepted or declined any or all of the other optional cookies.



Preserve your theme choice between browsing sessions. I use these to set your theme and other settings when you access the site.



A list of page IDs you've visited from this browser. I use this list to count unique visitors for pages on my website in a privacy-friendly way, without storing any of your information in a database. Since I am only collecting one data point (which pages you visited at any point in time) without associated that with you in any way, there is no way I can identify you and a specific browsing session. Here's how I do this without compromising your identity in any way.

You can give or retract your consent about what cookies I can use by managing your preferences.

What about personally identifiable information?

I do collect personally identifiable information that you provide voluntarily, but I do not store these in cookies. You can read more about what I know about you, what I do with it and how you can ask me to remove it on my Privacy page.

If you need more details about these cookies, please let me know at bogdan@bogdanlazar.com. I want to be as transparent as possible about your privacy.
