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Privacy for humans

While it may be fashionable to have a bunch of mumbo jumbo filled with legalese for a privacy policy statement, you will find not such language here. I think it's important that you understand what I know about you, what I do with what I know and how you can tell me to forget about you.

Last updated on: Mar 11th, 2024

Key points

  • You are not being tracked
  • You are knowingly providing all the information I know about you
  • You're in full control over your information and can tell me to delete it at any time

What do you know about me?

Since I don't use any sort of web analytics and tracking or telemetry that could identify you, we can just skip that.

You directly provide the personal information I know about you when you:

  • Voluntarily fill in a sign up form by providing your email address; or
  • Voluntarily fill in a contact form by providing your name, email address, and a message.

You indirectly provide non-identifiable information when you:

  • Access the website
  • Change the website settings such as the theme

This information is stored in your browser cookies. It's not much and not really worth discussing, but you can find out more about what each cookie is and what it's for on my Cookies page.

What do you do with my data?

Contact forms

Aside from responding to the message you've sent, you won't hear from me via the email address you provide in the contact form.


You can opt out of your subscription at any time; each email contains an unsubscribe link and I promise you won't hear from me again.

I use ConvertKit to send out the emails and they have a pretty tight Privacy Policy, which you can read about on ConvertKit's website.(Opens external link in new tab).

Where do you store it?

Your contact information that you provide via the contact form goes right into my mailbox. I use ProtonMail(Opens external link in new tab) because I think they offer the best in-class data security and privacy.

The information you provide during a newsletter sign up will be stored and handled by ConvertKit(Opens external link in new tab).

I only store this information for as long as needed to fulfill the purpose for which you have entrusted me with it. This means until I reply to your contact request, give or take a few days, or until you unsubscribe from the newsletter.

If you purchase one of my services or products, the information you provide during the payment process is handled and stored by Stripe(Opens external link in new tab).

How can I permanently remove my data?

If you ever want to remove everything I know about you, please shoot me an email at bogdan@bogdanlazar.com and I promise to resolve it within 48 hours. We can still be friends.

If you should need more details on how I handle your information, let me know via email at bogdan@bogdanlazar.com. I want to be as transparent as possible about your privacy.
