Tired of the same trivial accessibility discourse?
» Time for some authentic conversations! «

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Find your way around

I've put together a handy list of topics that you can use to find your way around the website. If you don't find what you're looking for and believe it should exist, please let me know by email at bogdan@bogdanlazar.com.

  • Membership

    Introduction to the subscription model and how it can help you ship accessible websites faster.

  • First time here

    This is your entry point where you can understand who I am, what I do and how I can help you.

  • Why me

    Who I am, how I got started, how I work and some random fun facts about me.

  • Work with me

    Find out how you can work with me to help you ship accessible websites faster.

    • Subscription

      Find out how you can work with me to ship accessible websites for a fixed monthly price.

      • Get started

        How I can help you ship accessible websites faster, without long-term contracts, proposals or payroll expenses, for a flat monthly price.

      • What to expect

        What you can expect from my accessibility subscription, how we'll work together and a weekly breakdown of results and KPIs.

      • Why the subscription model is better

        How accessibility as a subscription compares to traditional engagements and how you stand to gain more from this.

    • Get unstuck

      If you're stuck on what to do next and feel like you don't quite have an entire month's work of tasks to tackle, you can book me for just an hour or a whole day.

    • Terms of service

      What I do, what you're entitled to, what you're not and what happens if we disagree when you work with me.

  • Values

    This is what I believe and these are the core principles that guide my accessibility work.

  • Daily list

    Sign up for my daily newsletter and browse through the archive of all my previous emails.

  • Ask me anything

    If you have any questions about accessibility and your journey, this is where you can ask it and I'll answer it for you.

  • Free resources

    The list of free resources that you can use to learn more about accessibility. This includes PDFs, email courses, a glossary and acronyms pages, a reading list and open source tools.

  • Accessibility

    How I test and ensure accessibility on this website.

    • Accessibility statement

      My accessibility statement detailing how I test accessibility on my website.

    • Accessibility conformance report

      The ACR that describes in detail how my website supports the recognized global accessibility standards of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), ETSI EN 301 549 and Section 508 of the US Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

  • Privacy policy

    As you browse my website, this is what I know about you, what I do with what I know andhow you can tell me to forget about you.

  • Cookies

    I use a minimial number of cookies, not to track you, but to enhance your experience.

  • Topics

    This is where you are now. You can get an overview of my website's structure.

  • Get in touch

    How you can easily get in touch with me.