I love talking about web accessibility. Most of us do, it's why you're reading this now.
I see more and more conferences that include accessibility talks. And more and more people get into the field, share tips and tricks and try to make the web a better place.
And that's heartwarming. It really is!
Here's the kicker though.
For all our talk, it seems that not a whole lot of others listen. Many websites I visit and review still seem like they're stuck in the 90s for people with disabilities. It's like it's all talk and not so much action.
Yeah, some companies make progress. But lots others just use these accessibility discussions as a shield. A substitute for action. "Look how much we care!" doesn't really carry over to their websites.
Lots others will try to slap on some quick fixes like overlays. Hey, that should now comply with the ADA and adhere to the guidelines, right?
And there are heroes in this story. Some folks take all that talk and turn it into real change. They're the ones quietly making websites work for everyone without much need for fanfare and champagne.
I love the talk and the awareness raising. But I'd love to see action more.
I'd love it if we saw a significant drop in accessibility errors in next year's WebAIM Million report.
I'd love it if we started seeing accessibility features highlighted in product demos, right alongside the flashy graphics and cool animations.
I'd love it if coding bootcamps made accessibility a core part of their curriculum, not just a footnote.
I'd love it if we could make inaccessible websites socially unacceptable.
Now that's a world I'd love to see.