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Maybe don't fix everything

2 minutes read

Two years ago, I lived in Germany. That's where I bought my car. So naturally, it came with presets for the local and national radio stations in Germany. Tap a button on the screen and the frequency jumps to that station. Crystal clear sound.

Then I moved to the Netherlands. None of the frequencies worked any more and now I'm stuck with preset buttons for German stations that all yield static. It's annoying. It's clearly something that's broken.

Sure I can take it to a dealer and have it reprogrammed. Or figure out how to do it myself. But is it worth the hassle? I don't bother switching stations every day, so it's annoying maybe two, three times a year when I drive out of the Netherlands and back and have to find the station again.

The point is...maybe you don't have to fix everything all the time.

Think about that when you get back the 100+ page audit report and you feel overwhelmed. Maybe not all issues are top priority right now. Maybe some you can just...postpone?!

Here are some of the things that I prefer to label as a pass, and provide the additional recommendation on how to improve them:

  • heading levels are out of order
  • level one heading is present
  • all content is part of a landmark
  • landmarks are unique
  • submit buttons are disabled
  • prevent users from scaling more than 500%

These things are problems, yes. These things can be fixed, yes. But in the grand scheme of things, they're a distraction from the more serious issues audits usually surface.

Because if these are the only things you have to worry about, you're doing fantastic already.

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