A perfectly accessible website. You can't have it, and maybe nor should you want it.
It's okay to aim for it. It's not okay to compare your current state with it.
Because you'll likely be constantly disappointed. You can't really be fully accessible to absolutely everyone, all them time.
Because perfect is a moving target. What's perfect today, won't be perfect tomorrow.
Because perfect is an absolute. It either is perfect or it isn't. And chances are, yours isn't.
But that's okay. Perfect is useful.
It can act as your north star. It's something you can aspire to. And this commitment will boost user confidence and team loyalty.
It can be your innovation driver. The pursuit of perfection can spark creative solutions inside your team.
It can be a great educational tool. Aiming for perfect can help teach best practices to developers and designers.
But perfect isn't practical. It's what you want in the future, but it isn't what you need right now.