Yesterday, I encouraged you to find your stride instead of aiming to be the pack leader in accessibility. So where can you begin? Here are three practical suggestions:
Your backlog
Just look at what's in front of you. If you already have clearly documented accessibility issues in your backlog, that's the ideal starting point. Especially if your users with disabilities highlighted those issues. Clearly they want to use your website and, for some reason, they can't. By fixing these concerns, you're making your website more accessible to those who genuinely want to use it.
Your website homepage
Or whatever the most important page on your website: checkout page, shopping cart, contact page. As long as this page is on the critical path for a user, you know fixing any accessibility errors there will improve your bottom line.
Use tools like Wave or axe DevTools to scan for errors. Pay attention to common issues like low contrast text, missing alternative text for images, empty links, missing form label inputs, and ensuring proper document language.
Be open to feedback
Make it easy for your users to give you feedback. Give them a place where they can report issues specifically related to accessibility. Create an email address like accessibility[at]yourorganisation[dot]com and let your customers know they can report issues here. Clearly communicate how you plan to address their feedback.
Here's the thing.
Instead of getting bogged down in industry standards, focus on these low-hanging fruits for incremental improvements. Every small improvement is a victory, and consistent efforts will compound over time. Will this make you the industry leader? No. But is that really your goal?