After yesterday's email about not having the wrong expectations, I thought this morning about a little followup.
The point yesterday was that just because I think that accessibility is important and should be a priority, it doesn't mean others will share my belief.
But wait Bogdan, if not everyone thinks accessibility is a priority, shouldn't we push them?
Why? Push them to do what? If pushing were so useful, we'd have it together by now, but we don't. The 2024 report on the accessibility of the top 1,000,000 home pages shows about 57 accessibility errors per page. WebAIM conducted the same accessibility evaluation for the sixth year in a row. Not much has changed. Did we not push enough?
Here's the thing.
Not everyone thinks accessibility is important for their business. Whether they understand the risks and what they're missing is besides the point. Their minds are made up.
And that's ok.
Because the ones that believe accessibility is important and the right thing to do will fill in the gaps. The ones that prioritise it in their organisations and their business will likely lead the pack.
I'm not giving up. But I'm not a masochist either. I'm just starting to lower my expectations for some and expect more from others.