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The don't forget to list

2 minutes read

Want to ship an accessible website?

Put together a "Don't forget to" list.

Here's mine.

Don't forget to:

  • Use proper heading structure (H1, H2, H3, etc.)
  • Test keyboard accessibility
  • Check images have appropriate alt text
  • Test with screen readers
  • Verify sufficient colour contrast
  • Implement proper form labels and error messages
  • Check everything works without JavaScript
  • Use descriptive link text
  • Check all interactive elements have focus states
  • Add skip navigation links
  • Check for proper language attribution (lang attribute)
  • Test with different browsers and assistive technologies
  • Check the content is understandable when stylesheets are disabled
  • Provide alternative text for complex images or infographics
  • Check that tables have proper headers and structure
  • Verify that forms are logically organised
  • Test for keyboard traps
  • Use clear and consistent navigation
  • Use the correct ARIA attributes where appropriate
  • Use sufficient line height and letter spacing
  • Check for flickering or flashing content
  • Verify that error messages are clear and helpful
  • Verify that required fields are clearly indicated
  • Test with different zoom levels and text sizes
  • Check that colour is not used as the only means of conveying information

It's not exhaustive, but it gets me there and takes me less than an hour to run through when doing any update to my own website.

What's on your don't forget to list?

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