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The weekly 1%: You're not alone

1 minute read

No matter what you think.

No matter what you expect.

No matter how daunting it seems.

No matter how many obstacles you face.

No matter how slow the progress feels like.

No matter how resistant others may be.

You're not alone.

It's easy to feel isolated and overwhelmed. Trust me, I know. I've faced challenges that seemed insurmountable. I always thought the standards were too complex. I always fought an uphill battle with resistance from others and it was frustrating.

But I always felt I wasn't alone. I always found other developers, designers and advocates who were working tirelessly to make the web better. They share my passion, my struggles and my vision of a web where we make room for everyone.

They're real people with real stories, each contributing their unique skills and perspectives.

You are one of them. Your efforts are part of something bigger.

Something that matters.

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