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Two tales of accessibility

1 minute read

The team slumped into their chairs, eyeing the clock on the wall. Another accessibility meeting was about to start. It promised more circular discussions and zero progress. The developers yawned, while the designers doodled absently. You could hear stomachs churn with anxiety. The team had deadlines approaching, but solutions seemed miles away. The last thing they needed was this meeting.

When the product owner entered the room, you could hear them all thinking: "There has to be a better way than this."

But no one said anything.


As the team wrapped up their first accessibility workshop, the energy was palpable. The once-skeptical developers were already typing notes on their phones. The designers were re-imagining their colour palette. Even the product owner had a spring in her step.

As they reached the elevator, a notification pinged on all their phones. It was from the CEO: "New accessibility legislation passed. Big changes ahead."

The team exchanged glances. They'd made progress today, and they were ready for what came next, whatever that was.

Which story would you rather be a hero in?

It's your choice.

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